Check out Integrated Creative Therapy's own Matt Nahoum on the MASKulinity Podcast!
I'm incredibly excited and honored to have had the pleasure of sitting down with host and producers Samantha Nzessi and Remoy Philip of the MASKulinity Podcast last Saturday to spend some time talking about utilizing art therapy and other modalities to to tap into the burden of masculinity, dealing with trauma and addiction in my private practice and with my work with clients at East Village Access PROS. We unpacked the use of modeling and exploration of vulnerability in my practice. This was a fun conversation, and one I hope will be continued to be discussed, shared and built upon. Samantha and Remoy continue to discuss the topic of masculinity from a variety of perspectives and as it relates to a great many topics in their continuing exploration of the Mask of masculinity. I hope you enjoy this podcast and others from their catalog and definitely recommend you subscribe to it!
I would greatly appreciate it if you all would download and listen to the episode and if you feel moved to, share a comment on what ever application you use to listen to podcasts. Here are some links below feel free to share with folks you think would be interested.
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